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What to read after Haunts and Howls and Jesters Bells?

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Haunts and Howls and Jesters Bells

Kat Simons

Fiction / Fantasy / General

When laughter collides with fear…

Where humor meets terror, new heroes emerge. Whether laughing, or questing, or simply trying to survive, fate calls to the worthy. They answer only if they dare.

Because daring to find light inside darkness, braving the mysteries beneath the surface of reality, brings reluctant champions to the fight. A fight for good. A fight for the luckless. A fight to protect the world.

And when the jesters ring their bells, the dangers begin.

Spooky humor and creepy thrills fill this entertaining new collection of six original contemporary fantasy stories from bestselling author Kat Simons. Including an all new Destiny Cats novella, and a brand new Friday’s Curious Shop story.

keywords: Dark fantasy, Urban fantasy, paranormal urban fantasy, contemporary fantasy, humor fantasy, short story collections, demons and devils, witches and wizards, dragons and mythical creatures, series urban fantasy, urban fantasy magic, magic and mayhem, monsters and demons, heroes and warriors, myths and legends, spooky season stories

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