Explore all books in Computers / Educational Software category
Mathematica Navigator
Mathematics, Statistics, and Graphics
Heikki Ruskeepää
Computers / Educational Software
Ubiquitous Learning
Bill Cope , Mary Kalantzis
Computers / Educational Software
The Cambridge Handbook of Multimedia Learning
Richard E. Mayer
Computers / Educational Software
The Columbia Guide to Digital Publishing
William E. Kasdorf
Computers / Educational Software
E-learning in the 21st Century
A Framework for Research and Practice
D. Randy Garrison
Computers / Educational Software
Computers and the Collaborative Experience of Learning
Charles Crook
Computers / Educational Software
Managing Information Technology in Secondary Schools
Roger Crawford
Computers / Educational Software
The Online Learning Handbook
Developing and Using Web-based Learning
Alan Jolliffe , David Stevens , Jonathan Ritter
Computers / Educational Software
The Impact of Cognitive Theory on Human and Computer Development
Dr. Mohamed K. Kamara
Computers / Educational Software
SPSS Survival Manual
A Step by Step Guide to Data Analysis Using SPSS for Windows (version 12)
Julie Pallant
Computers / Educational Software
Bringing the Neuroscience of Learning to Online Teaching
An Educator's Handbook
Tracey Tokuhama-Espinosa
Computers / Educational Software
Education for the Internet Age
Rupert Wegerif
Computers / Educational Software
Digital Didactical Designs
Teaching and Learning in CrossActionSpaces
Isa Jahnke
Computers / Educational Software
Microsoft Word 2019 for Lawyers Training Manual Classroom in a Book
Computers / Educational Software
Microsoft Word 2019 Training Manual Classroom in a Book
Computers / Educational Software