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DVD Studio Pro 4

Adrian Ramseier , Jem Schofield , Martin Sitter

Computers / Operating Systems / Apple (Mac OS & iOS)

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Mac OS X and the ILife Suite Digital Lifestyle

Brad Miser

Computers / Operating Systems / Apple (Mac OS & iOS)

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Getting Started with Aperture

Estelle McGechie

Computers / Operating Systems / Apple (Mac OS & iOS)

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iMovie 08 & iDVD: The Missing Manual

David Pogue

Computers / Operating Systems / Apple (Mac OS & iOS)

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macOS High Sierra

Chris Kennedy

Computers / Operating Systems / Apple (Mac OS & iOS)

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Final Cut Pro 4 on the Spot

Abba Shapiro , Richard Harrington

Computers / Operating Systems / Apple (Mac OS & iOS)

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macOS Catalina: The Missing Manual

The Book That Should Have Been in the Box

David Pogue

Computers / Operating Systems / Apple (Mac OS & iOS)

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Programming IOS 8

Matt Neuburg

Computers / Operating Systems / Apple (Mac OS & iOS)

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macOS Catalina in easy steps

Nick Vandome

Computers / Operating Systems / Apple (Mac OS & iOS)

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Take Control of Mac Basics

Tonya Engst

Computers / Operating Systems / Apple (Mac OS & iOS)

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Final Cut Pro on the Spot

Time-saving Tips & Shortcuts from the Pros

Abba Shapiro , Richard Harrington

Computers / Operating Systems / Apple (Mac OS & iOS)

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Programming IOS 7

Matt Neuburg

Computers / Operating Systems / Apple (Mac OS & iOS)

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The Pocket Idiot's Guide to the IPod

Damon Brown

Computers / Operating Systems / Apple (Mac OS & iOS)

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Using Mac OS X Mavericks

Kevin Wilson

Computers / Operating Systems / Apple (Mac OS & iOS)

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Mac® OS X Version 10.2 Jaguar

Fast and EasyTM

Lisa Bucki

Computers / Operating Systems / Apple (Mac OS & iOS)

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